Another word for ‘Easter’ is ‘Paschal.’ The meaning of Paschal has to do with sacrifice. Jesus IS our propitiation, our appeasement to the Father, our substitute. For what? He took what we could not keep so we could stand boldly before the throne of God. Jesus was slain that all may live – live eternally with joy eternal – the joy of the LORD God Almighty and being His child forever and ever, amen. Jesus Christ is the Paschal Lamb…..
CHEERING YOU ON! WE ALL LOVE TO HAVE people cheering us on! This past Christmas season I went to a party from my own company (my own church) Living Word Christian Center, pastored by Mac and Lynne Hammond. The term ‘own company’ is found in Acts, chapter four in the King James Version of the Bible. This particular party was in honor of the medical first responders who volunteer their time freely to give medical care to people in…..