HOW’S LIFE TREATING YOU? I ONLY ASKED THAT QUESTION to get your attention: did it work? I hope so. You see, this is a very commonly asked question. A lot of time polite, well-meaning folk say that in a hurried-type of fashion; but they aren’t really expecting (or perhaps wanting) a lengthy exposition. They are truly caring. While some do want to get involved in the expectations and goals of your own personal life, they may not think they have…..
HYDRATE! IT IS IMPERTATIVE TO KEEEP YOURSELF HYDRATED. I’m not going into the medical ramifications and the biological effects on the body from dehydration: my husband is the emergency room nurse – I’m the preacher; and, it is very likely anyway that most adults know full well how wonderful it is to drink enough liquids – after all, you can live a lot longer on only water than food. I have no doubt that children are wisely…..