THAT YOU WILL FIND ME FAITHFUL. I offer Truth – Jesus Christ, the only Way, Truth and Life. I offer you the full counsel of the Bible; written by God, not man: And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 I offer…..
WE WHO LOVE JESUS rejoice with words in which none of us are able to fully convey as to the greatness and goodness of our triune God: the Father, Son, Holy Spirit! The gifts we bestow on Him as we celebrate His birth, whether given to our Lord in tithes and offerings, to family, the unchurched, those over overseas, are given with love and adoration to the King of kings and Lord of lords – our great Lord and Savior – the…..
MANY PEOPLE IN THE USA ARE SICK AND TIRED of the horrors going on in the distant parts of the world, here in America, and especially in our own, individual state – backing up to our very neighborhoods! Within two years, I, myself, have witnessed three times police officers curtailing crime (and every time – late at night) right across the street from my home – my sanctuary. This didn’t happen back in the day. Yes: sin has always been…..