MY DAUGHTER, MICHELLE, gave me an awesome present and God used it to give me another… I have to tell you: Michelle has always been one of my finest gifts from God. And this is how I came to desire to have her: When I was a very little, little girl I met my first “Michelle.” Even as a little child myself, I noticed how very pretty this Michelle was. She was the same age, but so very different…..
WHEN SOMEONE ASKS YOU: “Doesn’t prayer ever become boring to you?!” ASK THEM: “Don’t you know it’s a two-way conversation?!” SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS: Isaiah 65:24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.
LIP-SYNCING IS AN ARTIST’S TOOL TO BE USED WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY; it’s been decided, for whatever reason, that it would be too difficult to use the real voice at the real time… Sometimes a lip-syncing performance goes off ‘without a hitch’ – sometimes not. Selah… I’ve been thinking a lot about this as we began the New Year 2017… It looks absolutely stupid when the attempted lip-sync fails — no matter the cause, the intended effect is completely…..