What’s wrong with Jesus?
AS THE CHURCH HONORS GOD AND HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE, ISRAEL, there is one question all people of all time must answer correctly — sooner or later. Don’t let it be too late! THE QUESTION IS: “Who do YOU say that I am?!” The person asking this is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is God and Lord and Savior victorious! TOMORROW: EASTER SUNDAY — MY EXTREMELY IMPORTANT EASTER POSTING WILL BE SHORT — AND OH! SO SWEET TO THOSE WHO KNOW!…..
TODAY AS WE REMEMBER GOD’S SUPREME SACRIFICE don’t be down! Jesus’ suffering to buy us back is done! What we can do is help not to grieve our great LORD by counting it all joy in our own lives! IT IS FINISHED! On Easter Sunday you will find my post with an extraordinary question… please read it and make certain YOU have the right answer! SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS TO THIS VICTORIOUS “JOY STORY”! At that time some Pharisees…..