THIS MORNING I HEARD SOME WOMAN ON THE NEWS TALKING OF SOLDIERS WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES FOR US: LET’S GET THIS STRAIGHT!…. No child of God lost is life in battle! Children of God are never lost; and as they die they are taken to their Creator… No sir! The man of God did not lose his life — he gave it! And he gave it willingly! In this day in American history, May 29, 2017, we acknowledge –…..
CONFLICT IN THIS WORLD! HATRED? DECEPTION? MURDER? Selah! NO BIG SURPRISE! Yet, some actually believe… we are able to live at peace with all people now, in this very present age we are living in! Those hypocrites are some of the most lying liars there are! We cannot! “There will be no peace on Earth until the Prince of Peace is worshipped and loved by all in His sight: and those who reject Him will be cast out of…..
THIS MORNING WHEN MY ALARM RANG I SAID: “In the morning when I wake the devil, he will squirm & quake. As I speak the good report, my enemy cannot retort… He is filled with wrath & shame! He is a fool & is insane!” WHAT A GREAT & SMART WAY TO START MY DAY! SCRIPTURAL TRUTH: You will guard him and keep him in perfect and…..
THE LAST RESURRECTION CELEBRATION OF JESUS CHRIST WAS APRIL 16, 2017. On this great celebbratory day, the LORD God Almighty impressed on me to simply post this one, demanding challenge: “What’s wrong with Jesus?” Maybe it was done this way so anyone could quickly be challenged. “What’s wrong with Jesus?” Rather than reading a long posting, such as I’ve done the last two years regarding one of the greatest event in history, may just this one demanding question resound…..
TODAY A GENTLEMAN ASKED ME: “How long have you had that red hair?” (I get many, many compliments on it.) Immediately I joyfully replied: “Ever since my husband brought home the wrong henna!” Now, I am very familiar with Proverbs 16:31: Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. BUT: personally, I am not willing to be gray yet! LIVE LONG & PROSPER!!!