ONE OF THE QUALITIES I love about myself is my refusal to give up when I know what I’m supposed to do! The Bible denotes perseverance as constancy, endurance, a patient enduring. It is the characteristic of a man who is not swerved. He has deliberate purpose and loyalty to his faith. There is piety even regarding his greatest of trials, his sufferings. This is cute: I even had difficulty spelling and writing p-e-r-s-e-v-e-r-a-n-c-e! Some words you type are much…..
Idea: When those you know are sinners, the kind that groan, moan and complain, gossip, badmouth, swear, use God’s name like a dirty rag — and then have the nerve to say: “Good morning.” YOU SAY: “IT IS!” WHY? BECAUSE: YOU KNOW these kind of folks are not having a good morning! They can’t! They are not inviting God into their morning! Pray they see you’re not accepting their lie; pray they receive the Holy Spirit’s conviction – because their…..
AMERICA’S CHRISTIANS are no more loved by God than other Christians. America’s Christians also undergo persecution, seemingly being mocked… We Christians born and bred in America might have to choose between a certain type of employment or putting God first in our lives. Breathe. Take a breath! Now is a good time to meditate on these two specific truths: What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone…..