Psalm 11:6 On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot. VERBATIM ON ONE PARTICULAR DAY a woman I had worked with long ago actually did say to me: “Why didn’t you tell me he was here?! I would have acted different!” She said that! She actually said that!! AND: she claimed to love God! Here’s the situation. She bluntly stated directly to me: “… I would have acted…..
As a man thinketh He may sinketh… if he thinketh not on the Lord! SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS TO THIS “JOY JOT” DON’T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF JESUS – EVEN WHEN THE WIND IS BLOWING! Matthew 14:28-31 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But…..
EARLY TODAY, VERY EARLY, I HAD THIS FUN IDEA… making a list of some of my favorite foods that I may enjoy at The Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Here’s a short list – I may add to this in the future: Chocolate cake Pizza Cheesecake Shrimp Liver (Yes!) Cheeseburgers White Castles! Spaghetti Coke & Pepsi Anyway: I always like to proclaim the devil won’t be with us in eternity – when we children of God are with Him…..
AS WE HEAR OF THE TRIBULATIONS so many people are going through now – in this day and age… the most recent hurricane sends my thoughts first to Florida. I am an American. I think first of my fellow countrymen. No shame one me: I have more in common with them than those of other governments. I do fully realize that hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes are happening in so very many places throughout the world, which God has given man dominion…..