JOHN 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. TO BECOME A CHILD OF GOD – TO ENTER HIS KINGDOM – TO ESCAPE HELL – pray this: God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your only begotten Son, Jesus. I have sinned. I believe and know that Jesus is God. He lived a sinless…..
TIP #1 AS I NOW INTRODUCE HELP FOR THE HUSBAND I WANT YOU TO PLEASE NOTE: GOD IMPRESSED UPON ME TO MONTHLY GIVE ADVICE FOR THE WIFE & HELP FOR THE HUSBAND… It’s very interesting and funny to me that I am now giving wives advice – but I need to give help to husbands! I understand! I lovingly and truly tell men: “Women don’t understand themselves!” Men need to hear that! God does have a sense of…..
TIP #1 PRETTY LIPS! Besides speaking proper English (or any other language) use your lips first and foremost to glorify God. Next: keep them physically beautiful too, all healthy women love to be beautiful in the Lord in their spirits, souls and bodies — including their lips! When I put on my lipstick as a mature Christian and mature woman – never old and feeble; rather, older, wiser and stronger – First I put foundation on and…..
SNOW! MORE SPECIFICALLY A SNOW DAY!! BEST BEHAVIOR ON A SNOW DAY?! PARTY LIKE A CHILD! I have to say, the word “party” has been pirated by sinners! Yes, my friends, God created parties. Just scope out the number of times God uses these precious and beautiful words: JOY HAPPY LOVE FREE GIFT HOPE ABUNDANCE BANQUET! LIFE POWER WISDOM KNOWLEGE OVERFLOWING GRACE PEACE PROSPERITY OKAY: I will stop there. Get my point?! In the year…..
though he said it was… Now that Christmas is over for most people (personally, we’re celebrating very late so our entire family can join us) people have asked me, of course: “How was your Christmas?” NOW MY FATHER, always wants me to witness, fight the good fight, and stamp on the devil’s head! Without being condescending in any way, I examine the fruit of each individual who asks me this. In 2015, December, I posted an enlightening story entitled:…..
MY WEBSITE WAS DOWN IN DECEMBER FOR A WHILE – for those of you would like to visit my postings go to my Facebook Author Page. These were my topics: On December 25TH, 2017 I posted a great word: HAVE YOURSELVES A HOLY & MIRACULOUS CHRISTMAS! On Christmas Eve I posted this: FOR ALL THE LOVE SONGS IN OUR DAY & AGE…. This has to do with Mary’s Song. Mary is a wonderful example of a godly woman – one who…..
A GOD VACATION!!! SOMETIMES I DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY, SOMETIMES I don’t take time to memorize Scripture, to pray as long, to sing to the LORD. BUT: One thing I never have done, Never will do is to take a GOD VACATION!!! GOD IS ALWAYS with me. He never leaves me; never forsakes me. I don’t have to earn His love, nor my salvation. We are in harmonious communion. I frequently tell Him and myself: “My will is…..
BELOVED: THIS IS NOT AN OXYMORON! This is a biblical truth — this is a biblical right! Selah! People who die without loving God are, however… morons! AND that is NOT an oxymoron! Here is… BIBLICAL PROOF! Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. Psalm 53:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are…..
TO BECOME A SPIRIT-FILLED CHILD OF GOD… pray this: God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your only begotten Son, Jesus. I have sinned. I believe and know that Jesus is God. He lived a sinless life, took all my sickness and infirmities and died on the cross for my sins. I believe and know that He was raised from the dead so I might be saved and have eternal life in Your Kingdom. Jesus,…..