TIP #16… A **** Tip! BELOVED HUSBANDS: you, who can be so dull, (do not get me wrong – so is your wife at times! And all God’s husbands said: “Amen!”) when your wife, your beautiful wife, gets a new perm… Don’t screw up your eyes, frown and make such a statement: “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!???” Be wise, be smart, live long! Wait and watch and see how her hair looks in TWO WEEKS. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two…..
God in Heaven, I thank You that you cannot lie. I thank you that you keep covenant forever. I thank you that You curse those who curse Israel. I thank You Israel’s Messiah is coming. I thank You Your Word cannot be thwarted. JOYOUS SCRIPTURES Deuteronomy 31:1-9 Then Moses went out and spoke these words to all Israel: “I am now a hundred and twenty years old and I am no longer able to lead you. The Lord has said to me,…..
IF THE BIBLE IS ONE BOOK, with sixty-six books making up the whole, and it is; those who follow covenant with God are saints; not sinners, not Hell-bound, not evil. Selah. Those of us who love our God, the only true God, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, love the real God and His name is Wonderful! To Hell with the devil and his lies; he cannot / will not separate Israel and The Church! Genesis 17:7 I will establish…..
REMEMBER ROMANTIC LOVE not just on Valentine’s Day! Stir up the memories of your first meeting, your courtship, the passion, the romance, the real love! Lift him up to your children, your family members, your co-workers, your friends and yes, even at church for affairs can start there! Don’t be dumb! Proverbs 31:10-12 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good,…..
ARE YOU READY? God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I have sinned. I believe and know that Jesus is God. He lived a sinless life, took all my sickness and infirmities and died on the cross for my sins. I believe and know that He was raised from the dead so I might be saved and have eternal life in Your Kingdom. Jesus, I ask you to be my Lord and…..
THIS IS FEBRUARY 14TH! VALENTINE’S DAY! LOVERS DAY! SWEETS FOR THE SWEET! CANDIES AND ROSES! KISSES AND HUGS! AND EVEN: I LOVE YOU!s PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! FOREVER! PRAISE GOD! I remember many beautiful celebrations with my husband and second best friend; Jesus being the first, of course… And this is Who I am uplifting on this day which is a traditional celebration of love. Beloved: no man, no woman could ever be blessed with real romantic love without…..
ONCE UPON A TIME WHEN I WAS YOUNGer (I love saying younger because there is no such thing as middle age… When your soul and spirit depart your body, they will all meet up again: either in Heaven or Hell. Your choice.) Selah. At this time in my life I was unmarried, living with my parents and brothers and taking a bus to work. Folks, it’s been so long ago I don’t even remember what job I had at that…..