I watched again a M.A.S.H. episode. Long ago I watched this series as a sinner: now I don’t. Through the mind of Christ as I watch again although I thought I had good morals when I was that person, some of them did actually did line up with God’s ways… In particular I am speaking of the episode where a beautiful, innocent little Korean boy was offered fudge by Colonel Potter. Unsure that he should come near Potter, the child…..
In talking with Duane this summer today, he was thinking about working outside one half hour before lunch. The temp is 82. Well: I told him a thing or two. “Ya, don’t get sweaty… I won’t eat with your sweaty!” All in fun – BUT – true! An honest wife is like a kiss on the lips!
I USE BIBLICAL WORDS: such as mankind, drunkard, homosexual, liar. If you love honesty, you will accept this. I don’t keep up with un-correctness…
IN MINNESOTA PEOPLE ARE BIG ON fishing, swimming, golfing, tennis, camping… all kinds of summer fun because so many believe our summers are so short. So many people make big and fun plans to squeeze every minute of their leisure enjoying the sun and fun while it lasts before the cold blasts of December come. Sport stores here are dearly appreciated. One in particular where I love to go for fishing and hunting equipment for my husband: Joe’s Sporting…..
CRANK IT UP! (Your joy for the LORD!)
Being inconvenienced by not moving around freely in our small kitchen while Duane is cooking, having to wait and make certain I don’t get in his way… both are a small price to pay in my freedom of not cooking! P.S. Some of my favorite words are: “Get out of my kitchen.”
Usually I like to clean my home when Duane’s working… I don’t know why. Probably because I can get louder with my singing and praying and laughing because he’s not sleeping or coming in and out with his outside stuff. But, one one day I made a deliberate decision to keep the bathroom towels downstairs until he’s in the shower… Fun! I told him: “I was just checking on your observation skills!” Don’t worry; he laughed! Oh! The joys…..
This story is great! It’s true! For any of you who knows the devil’s voice, join me in triumphing over him and mocking him! And: for those of you who don’t – learn. “She looks like a long, skinny rat!” THAT’S NOT QUITE IT… What he said was: “She’s ugly! She looks like a long, skinny rat!” Who’s that talking to me? More importantly, rather: most importantly, how did I respond? Beloved, this is verbatim what Satan said…..
Satan cannot block me… Satan cannot lock me,,, Satan cannot stop me! Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
I can’t go back. But: I can go forward… in Christ!