HOW ABOUT DEATH! DEATH IS A BIG DEAL… and it is coming! Death is the final enemy. The Bible says so. Today many fools celebrate death! Observe the fake graves, the dummies sticking up out of them feet first. Did you ever stop to think that if you saw this in reality it would freak you out and you wouldn’t say: “Cool!” – you wouldn’t crack a smile?! Pay attention to all of the demonic looking…..
NOT MANY PEOPLE HAVE eternal joy; the joy that Jesus paid for us to have by giving His body and His blood as a sacrifice… Happiness changes with circumstances for some people. Joy is a chosen way of life, the way God wants us to live. Selah. Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. On this day, October 31st, where many people laugh and leer…..
All my household shall be saved! The devil’s alive and he’s amazed! He knows he’s going straight to Hell! And I proclaim: “All is well!” PROOF! Acts 16:31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Revelation 20:10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night…..
HAVE ANY OF YOU ever been wrongly spoken of? Attacked verbally? Physically? Have you had instances where, through no fault of your own, you’ve been hated? Welcome to the kingdom! Jesus said they will hate you because they hate Him! Good company! I have a remembrance of me in seventh grade junior high… Here is another victory story – and I wasn’t even paying attention to God. He was not my Father and I was not His friend. Yet see…..
This story honors God, my Aunt Lulu, and the American flag. As you read of her, I’d like you to reflect on the family members you love, miss, and hope (as in my case) to see in Heaven… YESTERDAY I WENT TO THE DRY CLEANERS AND PICKED UP AN AMERICAN BURIAL FLAG… I’ve told you before, if I had to give one word for my childhood it would be horrible… And I mean it. I just…..
My dear husband just told Tina (our Terrier): “Mom is smart!.” I love it! Father, I thank You for husbands that cherish, adore and encourage their wives! Husbands: treat your wives wisely! Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day…..
Absolute power does not corrupt… only God has absolute power. Don’t be stupid.
PEACE IN THE HOOD PLEASE WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR… IF YOU HAVE A NEIGHBOR who is crass, crabby, or cruel, here is a great lesson! ON A CERTAIN DAY I was again out in the backyard with my terrier, Tina… and it was very interesting. Never happened before, probably never will again. It was a shocker! When we go outside to the back as I’m caring for her, I’m enjoying time with Tina,…..
AS YOU READ JUST a few of my protective rescues from God, I invite you to please reflect on all the times (or at least some) God has brought you through unscathed. THERE WAS A DAY (actually, more than one. More than I know. And there will be more) which God saved me from discomfort, danger, and even death. He has done the same for you. Remember the angels your Father has watching over you? (That is:…..
OF THE CRABBY KIND Crabby kind indeed! This is a story of a close encounter with a woman who loved to tell people she has cancer. And how she became very upset with me because I gave her the answer! Believe it or not… Beloved: start listening to people taking great pains (don’t forgive the pun) to detail their sickness, their meds, their struggles with such impressive medical knowledge of their personal affliction: and then: compare that with their knowledge…..