Don’t you forget! And know this: In the Bible, in the book of Philippians, in chapter two, verses nine through eleven, we read Jesus’ name is above every name and God, the Father, exalted Jesus Christ and everyone, everyone, everyone will not only bow down to Jesus, but will openly admit Jesus Christ is Lord! Philippians 2:9-11 For this reason also God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every…..
GOD’S WORD MY CLAIM In my lifetime I see disclaimers on television; statements making claims wherein people do not want to be associated with the topic in discussion. Not all that long ago some disclaimers would say they do not necessarily agree. Now some say they do not agree with the given topic in their disclaimer statement. I, therefore, am compelled to write MY CLAIM: My stories are designed to honor God – אֱלֹהִים – Elohiym the LORD God Almighty……
Today, November 2, 2021, I listened to a man speaking against abortion. To allow abortion is the most evil American law. Murdering unborn babies is the most heinous law any government could legislate; and corrupt American leaders have done just that! Selah. As he truthfully spoke against the horror of murdering the unborn (called abortion, to make it seem like a respectable medical procedure) my heart aligned with his. More importantly – with God’s! This man’s love is to be…..