IT’S NEW YEAR’S EVE and a lot of people are thinking about new beginnings. Perhaps starting totally over; new marriage, a more promising job, a better neighborhood. The first month of the year is a typical time for many to think of healthy and happy life improvements… Goals not met, expectations not nearly fulfilled, hopes dashed are typical reasons some people want to start over. Because of this, New Year’s Eve gets some stirred up that here is another year,…..
Tina (our Terrier pup) gets massages when she and Duane are in bed longer than me. As I come into the bedroom to greet them both, we talk a few minutes together as we start caressing her… She absolutely loves it! Today as I was giving her a back rub and Duane was rubbing her tummy, I sang to her: “Rub-a-dub-dub! You won’t get in the tub!!” Her bath day this week is in two days! (Don’t tell her.)…..
RIGHT NOW (6:49 AM, December 28th, 2022) I am writing an article about New Year’s Eve and expectations… The LORD God had given me this several days ago: “Merry Christmas! He has risen! Don’t forget the rest of the story!” I had prayed in the Holy Spirit (as usual) and was joyfully astonished at this word the Holy Spirit had given me. I strive to never forget it! God is given me constant ideas on how to reach people, build…..
MEN: Start carrying a handkerchief and expect to cry from a touch of God! John 11:35 Jesus wept.
WHEN I WAS A CHILD I always knew Christmas was not too far away because Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol was on… In fact, Duane and I were talking about this just the other day. We were born in 1956. How many of you out there were like us? Wasn’t it fun?! And as a child, the days after this great program seemed like a lot more than just ten to wait! It was so hard to wait for Christmas!…..
MY GIFT OF LOVE TO MOTHERS WHO HAVE CHILDREN IN HEAVEN… Specifically, mothers who may not know those babies love them, are waiting for them… To those women who fell for the lies of their most evil enemy, Satan, (whether they know him or not) and the lies of people outside of God’s covenant; and even they, themselves, who have lived by choice without the God who sees this love note is from me! My God loves you and is…..
THIS IS WHY… As a Christian, uncompromising, Jesus is my everything and if I had to live on Earth alone until Heaven, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t be alone. The Lord of all never leaves me, never forsakes me – but He allows me to walk away and become an apostate if I so choose. I will not. I am making a statement today and always on this journey: Jesus paid it all! Selah. Christmas is the celebration of His birth…..
THIS CHRISTMAS I’ve put together my past Christmas writings… I am posting them all today. Read them at your leisure. In addition, I have a new story as well. Beloved, I only say “Merry Christmas” to the Church. I love spiritual Israel and bless their covenant of God given to Abraham! For the rest of you I also have written a way to become a child of God. I plead with you to love, serve, and never forsake the…..
THE CHRISTMAS OF 2021 had been an extraordinary Christmas season for my husband and me… This past year we got new windows for the majority of our home: and let me tell you, it was no small endeavor. In fact, the work was basically finished just this last month – Christmastime, busy time, rejoicing time, (as every day is in the Lord), cooking / baking time, wrapping time. Oh yes, shopping time… Selah. But I’ve always refused, absolutely / solidly…..
Have you heard of flipping houses? Well, this had nothing to do with that. However, the other day it was my coffee break time (7:30 AM – 8:30 AM.) I do have a point: an excellent one, as a matter of fact. I was settled in with a program, my crafting, and my two fur babies were nearby… Only after a very short time of settling in, I did it; I flipped my coffee. “And what is flipping coffee,?” you…..