Oh! The weather outside is frightful… but the AC is SO delightful! I am ready for snow! Good reason for my excitement of snow: it’s Minnesota Thursday, July 27, 2023 @ 94 degrees!!!
LITTLE FEET should be allowed to go where God wants them to! ONCE UPON A TIME, long ago, I had a secular job where I dealt with all kinds, colors, ages, educational backgrounds, and either of our two genders of people… One of the things I would tell people is: “I love a challenge! That’s why I got married and had children!” This is meant in loving fun, but it is also fully true. Selah. My subject here in…..
TRUST: it is a key issue to success in any and every relationship. In fWhen love is pure, when love is holy; honesty has to be a part of it. You can’t have joy without God: and you cannot have God without honesty. Liars don’t enter the Kingdom… Proverbs 12:21-22 No harm overtakes the righteous, but the wicked have their fill of trouble. The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. Colossians 3:5-11 Put…..
IN PRISON? IN A MENTAL CAGE? IN DISTRESS? IS IT YOU?! CHECK THIS OUT: MY BOOK THE FREE INCARCERATED MAN HERE’S ITS INTRODUCTION: INTRODUCTION TO THE FREE INCARCERAGED MAN Here you sit in prison. And yet there is hope! God and His family love you, pray for you, and fight the devil for you. Yes, God is real. The devil is real. For those of you who are not in Christ, for those…..
TINA’S TALES WHAT TINA’S TALES ARE: TINA’S TALES are short stories specifically about our Terrier rescue mix, In addition, I’ll be pleasuring you with stories about other great dogs, or even other fur babies of different species. God has designed so many beautiful ones! Friends, people with a great ability to love always are enamored by beauty! And dogs are beautiful! They always have a purpose which God has given them: some hunt, some protect, some only…..
This morning (Tuesday, July 25, 2023) Duane and I were having my favorite breakfast: a bagel from St. Paul Bagelry and coffee from our most preferred Caribou shop… I call it our ‘cuddle bagel breakfast’ because Tina can be on my lap (or Pewter, usually it’s Tina in the morning) and cuddle while we watch a half an hour sitcom, enjoy our food and drink, and then start our workday. Today, in addition to the sitcom, I was highly entertained!…..
THIS MORNING AT ABOUT 7:30 I experienced yet another love note from God: as I poured a little bit (just a little bit) of hair gel onto my left hand I immediately saw the shape of a perfect heart! HE LOVES ME!! YOU TOO! Let’s revisit this other Joy Story about a heart, a blue heart… PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES, A BLUE HEART AND GOD… I LOVED MAKING COOKIES when my children were very young. Most…..
AND: MORE BIBLICAL INSIGHTS: JOY STORIES, VOLUME ONE A book of short stories which all give glory to God, answers, insights, and encourages real hope. THE FREE INCARCERATED MAN Geared for the man who has been in bondage physically and mentally. Written by a woman who ministered in prisons. Anyone can glean great knowledge from this book or help others who believe they are defeated. FIND THESE…..
ARE YOU GRIEVED? Even on a continual basis? Does life seem boring? Pointless? Hopeless? It’s not! Here is your answer beloved: “Fill your heart with God!” Psalm 51:7-12 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a pure heart, O…..
I’M WRITING TODAY… Once again I am so thankful to give you the Scriptures: not reference them only! What a blessing this is for God, me, and you! All glory to Him! After all, I have the mind of Christ and He gives me fabulous ideas!