DON’T EVER FORGET 911! These words of God are most valuable to the children of God and the most condemning to Satan’s kingdom! Alleluia! In the Bible, in the book of Philippians, chapter two, verses nine through eleven: we read Jesus’ name is above every name. God, the Father, exalted Jesus Christ and everyone, everyone, everyone will not only bow down to Jesus, but will openly admit Jesus Christ is Lord! Philippians 2:9-11 For this…..
I LOVE THESE TWO WORDS! When I think of the word ‘pure’ I think of clean; no wrinkles, no dirt, no defects. My mind then goes automatically to what Christ has done for the repentant: He has made us pure! Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. For those who purely love God will see Him! What a thought! What a beautiful encounter! And, what a reality! Matthew 5:8 Blessed…..
DO THIS: Dear God, I surrender to you now, right now. I am done in trying to invent a working lifestyle without you. I humble myself and call out to You. I’m done with lying, with pretending, and explaining away ungodliness… Romans 1:18-21 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God…..
It was a dark and non-dreary morning… Duane was leaving for bagels and Caribou… I’d be alone for half an hour… As he left, he flipped the kitchen light off.. As he was shutting the door… I turned it back on… Like Mic Jagger – he can’t always get what he wants (either!) I love that song! Selah
IS YOUR NEIGHBOR NEXT DOOR GONE? I PRAYED YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN READY! Have multitudes of people all over the Earth simply vanished?! BUT YOU HAVE NOT: You need to be informed. It wasn’t alien abductions. It wasn’t radiation poisoning. Jesus came down from Heaven to meet His Christians in the air and take them up to Heaven – believe – or not. Do not grieve like the rest those who seem to have no hope. We Christians are…..
THIS FOURTH OF JULY I HONOR GODLY OFFICERS IN BLUE… I AM NOT INDEPENDENT! I need help! So do you! TODAY IS THE FOURTH OF JULY, 2023: I am dedicating this writing to America’s police force… FIRST: I want to make it clear that I am only addressing our officers – men and women – who love America, honor our Constitution, and fully acknowledge murdering the unborn person is evil: and that this ‘law’ needs to abolished… I am…..