There will be no peace on Earth until the Prince of Peace is worshipped and loved by all in His sight: and those who reject Him are cast out of His presence!
And He is coming back!
HEREWITH IF MY CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR YOU… I have put past Christmas ‘JOY STORIES’ on this page. Please read them, making certain they are in align with God’s written Word, the Bible. The Bible is the only Book which is God-breathed (written by God.) Enjoy! And Merry Christmas! He has risen! STORY #1 MERRY CHRISTMAS! “Merry Christmas! He has risen!” Don’t forget the rest of the story ! Easter is my favorite holiday… Sad to say, when…..
FUR BABY HERBIE: TODAY I TOSSED OUT pretzel sticks and Lay’s Classic Potato Chips. My fur baby, Herbie, heard the door open and decided how close he could come to me… I promised Duane long ago I won’t hold or pet our outside fur babies: sometimes, I think when they hear the door open, they might run in! They wouldn’t like that and I don’t want that. I love our relationship now: loving them from afar, loving them…..
Duane’s and my style of ministry are very different. I am very confrontative, Duane is very gentle… Case in point: the neighbor hitting our house with snow from his blower. (Even our teenage granddaughters know he is able to direct his blower!) If Duane speaks to the guy, he’ll say: “I’d appreciate if you didn’t hit my house when you’re blowing snow.” Me, I’d say: “I don’t want you hitting our house when you are blowing snow.” Keep in…..
If you want to cut to the chase go down to * My dryer was on the fritz… I’ve had to dry clothes in other ways before. No biggie. It was the end of the summer, 2023. I’d chosen for the most part to hang things up in the rec room and when they’re dry, they’re dry. Usually it takes a day and a half to two. (Good thing we’ve got plenty of underwear!) Smile!! I hung up…..
You do have a choice…
As I sat there, I listened to every word the preacher was saying. How could I not understand my own native language; not the words (individually I understood them.) It was the meaning. I simply just could not comprehend the meaning of them all. Selah. How possibly?! It is always a valuable study to think of the power of light and darkness. But God created all things, calling them all good. Some entities chose on their own not…..
I hear the LORD a ‘coming, He’s coming round the bend… And I ain’t seen the devil, since I don’t know when! Since I slung the blood of Jesus, that bozo had to flee! And when the blood keeps on slinging, he’s in agony! When I was just a sinner, the Father told me, “Son, bend your knee to Jesus Christ and you’ll become undone!” Jesus, You are with me! You’ll never let me go! To Hell with you…..
Some conversations are just too stupid to have. SEE: Proverbs 26:4-5 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.