YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Selah. I am a Christian who is also a member of Christians United for Israel, CUFI. Israel and the Church are allies. PLEASE NOTE: I said the Church. The Church is Jesus Christ as the head and the universal body of believers: not those who say they are Christians and do nothing, not standing on the Bible as God’s inerrant, infallible, and timeless Word. The Church knows God’s covenant with themselves and with…..
JOY STORIES, VOLUME ONE A book of short stories which all give glory to God, answers, insights, and encourages real hope. THE FREE INCARCERATED MAN Geared for the man who has been in bondage physically and mentally. Written by a woman who ministered in prisons. Anyone can glean great knowledge from this book or help others who believe they are defeated. FIND THESE MATERIALS AT: WestBow Press, Barnes & Nobles, Amazon, Walmart,…..
“I’m telling God! … Oh, wait a minute! He already knows!” Psalm 139:1-6 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your…..
THIS IS A STORY I’VE THOUGHT ABOUT WRITING FOR A LONG TIME… And it is an impressive one! Ruby was a friend of my mom’s. I knew her when I was a little child. Being sixty-eight and a half right now, it is so good for me to remember her! You see, Ruby didn’t really talk to me all that much. She didn’t get very involved with my brothers and me, she was my mom’s…..
AND, YOU DON’T KNOW IF THEY ARE WITH THE LORD? HERE’S WHAT I DO… If you remember, I have a son in Heaven and a sister. Absolutely I know they are with God and I will see them eventually. I am patient; they are fine, more than fine actually. Selah. Both of these people died unborn. My son (might be a daughter) went to the Lord when he was three months in my womb……
PLEASE STAY WITH ME IN THIS CRUCIAL TEACHING: it is a Joy Story! SUICIDE IS A VERY HORRIFIC THING… it is never the answer. Years ago I have had the privilege of counseling two men separately on this always relevant subject. Thank God both of these men, both past their thirty’s, listened to my wise counsel. All glory to God! I am thankful they listened to me because I love the Lord and listen to Him, He guides me…..
In my lifetime I see disclaimers on television, statements making claims wherein people do not want to be associated with the topic in discussion. Not all that long ago, some disclaimers would say the people in question did not necessarily agree. Now some say those people do not agree with the given topic in their disclaimer statement. I, therefore, am compelled to write this claim. My stories are designed to honor God – אֱלֹהִים –…..
CERTAIN TIMES? AM I CERTAIN? How can I, or anyone in their God-given mind, deservedly say: “Don’t worry! We are living in certain times!”!? And if so, how could we possibly be right? Look around. Are we now living in uncertain times? That’s what most people seem to think… Doesn’t it seem to you that everything is shaky? Families out of control? Kids on drugs? Does it seem the most important things we need just to survive…..