BECAUSE OF DUANE’S HOURS many times we celebrate holidays and special occasions at a later date. Thankfully, I’ve never had a problem with that. I am forever grateful to my God and choose His joy! Amen and amen and Selah! I am the Christian woman-type who knows the preciousness of God, His people, and life, God-kind of life. Ergo, when our celebration date does not align with the one on the calendar it is well with my soul!…..
don’t say anything at all! Here is yet another great biblical truth: the above statement, “If you can’t say something nice… don’t say anything at all is.” is bogus. How many of you know that this statement is truly bogus? Selah. Surprised? Don’t be. You shouldn’t be. Why? Because for those of you who are surprised, I know that you are not reading your Bible. Or perhaps you discount the Bible. Either way, you are uniformed, misinformed,…..
I don’t post many of my JOY JOTS! but I love every one of them! Because of this, it’s fun to number them! THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH! GO AND BE THE SAME!
ON THIS DAY WHERE ROMANTIC LOVE IS SO CELEBRATED BY SO MANY… one of the most loving things I can do for people who are not in love with God and man (Matthew 22:35-40) is warn them: HELL IS REAL! YES, I AM MOST EXCITED TO teach on this subject! And… to back up the truth of Hell’s existence with God’s truths: His holy Scriptures! Why? Simple. Because like God, I don’t want anyone to go there! But…..
DUANE AND I have been sweethearts since 1979. Married in September of that same year, I have never, ever, seen him look wrongly at another beautiful woman! I knew he never would! Here are two of my Valentine Memories I’d like to share with you now: #1 We had met February 3rd, 1979. Our first date was on February 6th. Our first kiss was our last kiss to any other potential love interests… Selah. However, that famous February month…..
THIS IS FEBRUARY 14TH… Valentine’s Day! Lover’s Day! Sweets for the Sweet! Candy and Roses! Kisses and Hugs! And… Even “I love you(s)!” PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! FOREVER! PRAISE GOD! I remember many beautiful celebrations with my husband and second best friend; Jesus being the first, of course… And this is Who I am uplifting on this day which is a traditional celebration of love. Beloved: no man, no woman could ever be blessed with real…..
It is obvious there are different types of love God has appointed to our souls. There is the holy, reverential love to God, Himself. The union of husband and wife in holy matrimony is another kind – symbolic of Christ and His bride – the Church. Another type is that of saintly love between the brethren. And this is what this “Joy Story” is about. Here is the true story of that type love – love at first…..
SATAN HATES A LOT OF THINGS… such as being formerly known as Lucifer, morning star, son of the dawn. No longer allowed to lead in any capacity in Heaven, Lucifer has fallen. He also is outraged that Jesus Christ will crush his head soon. Some of his biblical knowledge (and he has a lot!) burdens him beyond his ability to defeat his destination. It informs him he will be thrown into lake of burning sulfur: and not…..
Isaiah 45:22-25 “Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear. They will say of me, ‘In the Lord alone are deliverance and strength.’” All who have raged against him will come to him and be put to…..
ON HELL! WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU warned anyone of Hell? God has impressed upon me to think about the fact that most people don’t want to… Selah. Why? My first thought and full belief is that they don’t care! Selah. I hope I am wrong, wrong, wrong! But: Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is…..