PEACE IN THE HOOD IF YOU HAVE A NEIGHBOR who is crass, crabby, or cruel, here is a great lesson! ON A CERTAIN DAY I was again out in the backyard with my terrier, Tina… and it was very interesting. Never happened before, probably never will again. It was a shocker! When we go outside to the back as I’m caring for her, I’m enjoying time with Tina and God in my beautiful…..
I BELIEVE MOST OF YOU ALL KNOW GARFIELD, that adorable and funny character who brings us smiles and laughs! Most you who know of him may have fond memories of watching his antics with Jon and Odie like I did (and do)! So who is Cathy? You know friends, it always good to stir up joyful and happy memories (there is a difference between the two) which can revive attitudes when that old serpent tries (as always!) to…..
CINDY WAS A NEW GIRL that I instantly liked when I met her. Her younger sister looked so very much like her; she was a real sweetie too. Actually Cindy was not the new girl, I was. Before my father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis we have moved from Saint Paul to South Saint Paul. Cindy was one of the first girls my age I met. She lived only up the street, same side, about seven houses down……