WIVES: Remember the beautiful and caring things your husband has done for you! Stir up those memories! AT ONE TIME IN LIFE, AND FAR TOO LONG AT THAT, I had no respect, no awe, took no time to adore God. Selah. I now always tell people how thankful I am I didn’t die in my sins; I would have gone straight to Hell! Sadly, most people are shocked when I make this statement, making it obvious to me…..
ASK MY HUSBAND! Please add here a big, big guffaw! I’m not kidding. We honest people (that would be children of God, beloved) all know marriage isn’t always good because we aren’t always good: Mark 10:17-18 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone……
DO YOU WANT A LASTING MARRIAGE? Listen to me! MY FORTY-FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IS TODAY! Thank You, Father, my marriage is blessed! When Duane and I knew we were going to be married, I lightly struggled with what my married name would be, Ann Marie Turner. Friends, it was no little thing to give up my maiden name. Thankfully, I have always fully realized the marriage was far more important than my first name… You see,…..
ONE OF MY DUTIES / CHORES is to put cans of flavored water in the frig for Duane. Very recently he told me I was dropping the ball… He didn’t have much in the frig and it was all coconut flavor. That selfsame day I went down and up, down and up, for laundry (which I do most every day) and made a point to remember to stock those cans. At that time he was in…..
HUSBANDS: always (I mean always) rejoice in having an honest wife… no matter what. For example, Duane is an excellent cook. When he was searching out a new career, (at the age of fifty) a chef was one option he considered. He makes the best eggrolls I’ve ever had! His favorite is Mexican (mine, Italian.) He makes these great as well; but when it comes to Kung Pao chicken, call the restaurant… I make no apologies. He gets…..
Duane and I had been talking about me buying a new brown purse. (All right: I was doing most of the talking…) And the subject came up of not using a white purse in Spring and Summer. It’s not because of what everybody says, it’s just that I don’t like it. We talked about doing what we want regardless of what people say. That’s good! You see, beloved, some things are subjective; such as tastes in…..
Don’t lose hope! Duane and I have been married since 1979. Today is Duane’s birthday! He is now sixty-eight (I’m close behind him; birthday in April.) And we were a blind date! We love telling that story! But this story is about his wedding ring. All wedding rings are essential in marriages, not only a symbol of never-ending love, but growing cultivated love and romance and commitment. God’s marriage plans ensue a peace treaty promising fidelity,…..
MOST OFTEN Duane sleeps later than me. Each time I go to greet him, the dog is with him (I have the cat.) When I hear his alarm ring I next hear: “Hell low ooh!!” He is very loud! I love it! He’s calling to me with a cheerful and very, very fun way to start our day (and Tina’s and Pewter’s!) I’ve told him I love it, so he never stops! Yeah! The other thing (there are many!) I…..
If you want to cut to the chase go down to * My dryer was on the fritz… I’ve had to dry clothes in other ways before. No biggie. It was the end of the summer, 2023. I’d chosen for the most part to hang things up in the rec room and when they’re dry, they’re dry. Usually it takes a day and a half to two. (Good thing we’ve got plenty of underwear!) Smile!! I hung up…..
HUSBANDS… Never correct your wives! Did I get your attention? Am I serious?! NO! That was just a super stupid, unbiblical teaching: and a stupid joke of mine! (I love stupid jokes!) SO: okay, today is November 28th, 2023 and I put on my first pair of Christmas socks! I love Christmas socks and earrings… Duane brought me home about seven pair from a friendly co-worker. He’s been asking when I’m going to wear them; we both know…..