I’m really good at telling Duane: “Slow down.” when he’s spelling something out. I’ve noticed most people do this, spell too fast, recite a phone number too fast. I like to correct them so we both know I’m getting it right. And when you’re right, don’t be shy about it. False humility is sickening. P.S. (past sin) John the Baptist has always been one of my greatest heroes! “You brood of vipers!” Worship God by loving His full truth!…..
TODAY IS DUANE AND MY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! MY PURPOSE, TO SHARE MY MARRIAGE BLESSING: in order to encourage you that a precious marriage can be done! That you have to know: it does take two people to keep the love! And most importantly: to keep God (and only the God of the Bible) as the Head of your marriage. He is the final answer! Go to Him when you struggle, faint, and sin… Amen and amen! And: give Him…..
Hi Husbands! You are such an essential part of God’s Kingdom ‘just’ by being a godly husband! (All other husbands can’t compare to you! You are equipped with glory!) I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. …..
“Because I said so.” Like most intelligent people, I know that’s not a just and profitable answer… I’ve always seen it as one not wanting to take time to explain to their son or daughter why. They really do have a right to know: but then again, it can get annoying when it’s routinely asked… Selah. On his arrival home from work I asked Duane to see if we had peanut butter for Herbie & Company. Glory and fun be…..
TRUST: it is a key issue to success in any and every relationship. In fWhen love is pure, when love is holy; honesty has to be a part of it. You can’t have joy without God: and you cannot have God without honesty. Liars don’t enter the Kingdom… Proverbs 12:21-22 No harm overtakes the righteous, but the wicked have their fill of trouble. The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. Colossians 3:5-11 Put…..
It was a dark and non-dreary morning… Duane was leaving for bagels and Caribou… I’d be alone for half an hour… As he left, he flipped the kitchen light off.. As he was shutting the door… I turned it back on… Like Mic Jagger – he can’t always get what he wants (either!) I love that song! Selah
A while ago Duane was talking to me from his work. Selah! I love that… But not this particular conversation. We had a new couch coming soon with two new end tables. Beautiful! I had told him he needs to hire someone to take the couch out or see if the furniture store guys (Schneiderman’s) would move it out into the garage for us… He put it off and I was getting concerned. In this unpleasant conversation he humbugged me…..
So Duane has a lot (and I mean: a lot!) of outdoor projects that I’m not going into right now. But, it’s rainy and much (very much) to his disappointment he can’t do them. I have the answer! I’m going to tell him: “Duane, don’t worry! (Not that he would.) I’ll just pull out my – I mean your ‘To Do” list!”
One of the things I’ve taken to doing for my husband is to run to the kitchen door and unlock it fast, fast! Many times he loaded down with work bags and groceries. I love to do this for him! (And he sure appreciates it!) Go! And do the same!
HUSBANDS AND WIVES ARE SO CUTE! When they are hidden in Christ and want to bless the Lord, each other, and others… no devil in Hell has authority over them! Taking authority over the kingdom of darkness is a complete joy to them! Selah! Not all that long ago my darling hung a hand towel back on its holder… When I saw it I guffawed! Immediately my mind went to this truth: men and women are different in so…..