MEN: You will love this! Now, I have offered before to bring down or take up our trash barrels… Duane will always, “That’s okay. I can do it.” I am telling you: that man is more than good to me, much, much more! (Married in September 1979!) This morning I was praying and preparing… I got in my soul that I was going to take down both barrels. And I did! How nice it was to surprise him! I had decided not…..
Duane has gotten into this wonderful routine! Each morning when it’s time for him to get out of bed, he’s calls out to me loudly: “Hel lo low o!!” He and I both remember that beautiful lady in Miracle on 34th Street who played as Mrs. Shellhammer . She was absolutely lovely! And funny! Duane and I remember her often and when he’s ready to get out of bed, he reminds both of us of her: Lela Bliss! …..
IT’S CHRISTMAS DAY 2022! Just a while ago Duane was taking Tina (our Terrier) outside. He’s the cook! Thank God! So I told him: “If you want me to take Tina outside today, just let me know.” He always does when he’s home. Remember: it’s a Minnesota Christmas Day and five below! So Duane told me: “I won’t.” Of course I was thrilled. She’s not the most cooperative puppy, being a Terrier she wants to hunt, run, and play. But she is…..
It’s Christmas morning, 2022! I was just making the bed and I was thinking about what colour I would want (with Duane’s approval too, of course!) for my next bedspread… Women: I have chosen to never have a frilly, only feminine-looking bedroom that a man wouldn’t appreciate to call his! What a gal! (All glory to God, of course!) When decorating, think of your man and be respectful, wise, and loving! Remember: we’ve been married, thank God,…..
One of the things I deeply and always appreciate for my husband is when I need something, I get it. For example: I crochet often because I’m alone much more now that my children are adults. I crochet beautiful things while listening to sermons online. Yes! I can do both. This is truly one of my greatest joys for myself, my time. Please keep in mind that every child of God who listens to the Word of God makes herself…..
Oh! What fun it is to be married! Coming home from work, Duane said: “I got bread for you, like you told me to” Hiding my joyous humor with a perfectly straight face, I told him: “I did not.” As his gorgeous brown eyes got huge, he said: “Yes you did!” Laughingly I fessed up! The joy of the Lord is my strength! AND: the joy of teasing my husband is just one of the great spices of life!…..
Often Duane will order things for me: movies, books, hennas (to keep my hair red!) I love it! It’s always fun to get stuff delivered to my door! MEN: this is one way of blessing your wife! Proverbs 18:15-16 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. …..