Duane and I were married in September, 1979, as some of you know. One of the things that very much impressed me about him was that he was working with special needs people! Even though I was a sinner at the time, I did have some really good values. But remember, I was not holy. And yet God is so remarkable! He had put in me some wonderful values (many of these things since I can remember being with…..
Very, very recently my sweet husband finally purchased ice cleats for the bottom of his boots! I have highly recommended these gadgets to many for years! And when we’ve had rain in Minnesota in February it is time to be as prepared possible when walking on ice, walking on the sidewalks, crunchy snow, and streets! Selah! I like to call these things ‘grippies’! They are extremely excellent for gripping ice: I believe (in my expert opinion for I used…..
Right now it is November already (hard to believe, the months just fly by!) Duane has not had much time to go hunting/fishing this year as in years past. He was thinking about going this Monday through Wednesday. But, he was a little concerned about me being alone on part of his days off. Now, he was not hinting for permission without whining to go… He’s not like that. This is love! And this is love! When he told me…..
Duane just took Tina to Como Park! She IS jazzed! Before he left I told him I don’t need much at Target today… And: I don’t need tissue unless I want to buy extra because of the Autumn-coloured boxes. I was planning on three; he said, “Two.” So I said: “Four.” We make negotiations fun at our house! TWO VERY FUN SCRIPTURES FOR THIS PARTICULAR ‘ADVICE FOR THE WIFE’ – AND THE LAST ONE –…..