IS IT POSSIBLE FOR GOD to forgive you for aborting (murdering) your unborn child? Can you find peace after this satanic procedure? Will God allow you to see the child you hated? The answer to these deep questions is: “Yes!” If you call on the name of the Lord, you will be saved. The Lord God is the God of the Bible only. He is Godhead: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. If you want him to be your…..
IS IT POSSIBLE FOR GOD to forgive you for aborting (murdering) your unborn child? Can you find peace after this satanic procedure? Will God allow you to see the child you hated? The answer to these deep questions is: “Yes!” If you call on the name of the Lord, you will be saved. The Lord God is the God of the Bible only. He is Godhead: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. If you want him to be your…..
PLEASE STAY WITH ME IN THIS CRUCIAL TEACHING: it is a Joy Story! SUICIDE IS A VERY HORRIFIC THING… it is never the answer. Years ago I have had the privilege of counseling two men separately on this always relevant subject. Thank God both of these men, both past their thirty’s, listened to my wise counsel. All glory to God! I am thankful they listened to me because I love the Lord and listen to Him, He…..
Are you comfortable in your death? Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants. Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.