THIS WRITING APPLIES TO ALL PEOPLE: those who adhere to the Word of God and love Him – and those who don’t. Herewith is a great and beneficial insight on how to deal with unwanted, unsolicited calls — including those unwanted people who have the guile to be more than just a little rude! You are going to love this! Selah. NOTE: For those of you who are the problem, we’re on to you! And: I am…..
Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER (and this year, in September) I am seeing homes and yards decorated for Halloween. Be warned and beware: God does not approve! I ONCE HEARD A SERMON BY JESSE DUPLANTIS entitled: “What in Hell do you want?!” I knew right away where Jesse was going. This is one of the most memorable sermons I…..
STILL WATERS RUN DEEP… ONCE UPON A TIME I had a teacher I did not like. Not unusual… Most of my teachers were fine or really great; but there always seems to be a few in every pot whatever the lot (teachers, co-workers, neighbors, relatives, bosses) that you simply know them as jerks. One particular female teacher I had in high school seemed arrogant and unhelpful. She was that kind who favored those who gushed over her so…..
HOW DO YOU THINK the suppliers in this world of liquor and cigarettes would feel if there came a man who has worldwide influence to dissuade the bold, the beautiful people in partaking from these substances? Selah. The bold and the beautiful… Who are they? The bold: these should be all of mankind. But they are not. Truly, as I speak of the bold I am thinking only of the children of God: both spiritual Israel…..
I will not flip her off… I will not flip her off! MOST AMERICANS probably know what this means… I don’t care to discuss it. It is wonderful to serve the living God and hate what He hates! Selah. TRULY, THIS IS SOMETHING I HAVE NEVER DONE… even as a godless teenager and woman I have never done it. It is filthy to me, always has been. But what I do love about this story is the fact…..
WHEN I THINK OF someone telling you to, “Say sorry.” I most often will think of Tommy… Once upon a time when our children were really young, we were all at a church function. (This was years ago.) It was a beautiful warm and sunny day and the guys were playing ball. I was an observer and a chatter. Never been big on softball. My three children were close by where I could keep an eye on all…..
HAVE ANY OF YOU ever been wrongly spoken of? Attacked verbally? Physically? Have you had instances where, through no fault of your own, you’ve been hated? Welcome to the kingdom! Jesus said they will hate you because they hate Him! Good company! I have a remembrance of me in seventh grade junior high… Here is another victory story – and I wasn’t even paying attention to God. He was not my Father and I was not His friend. Yet see…..
STILL WATERS RUN DEEP… ONCE UPON A TIME I had a teacher I did not like. Not unusual… Most of my teachers were fine or really great; but there always seems to be a few in every pot whatever the lot (teachers, co-workers, neighbors, relatives, bosses) that you simply know them as jerks. One particular female teacher I had in high school seemed arrogant and unhelpful. She was that kind who favored those who gushed over her…..