Some of the God haters will say, “Prove it!” I say: “Disprove it!” “You can’t!!” Selah. GOD: THE INFALLIBLE AUTHOR MANY WILL SAY, “Paul wrote the majority of the New Testament.” or “Luke wrote the book of Acts.” or “Matthew wrote Matthew.” Even pastors will regularly say such things… The complete/the full truth/ is: men spoke from God as they were carried along by God, the Holy Spirit. …..
AND AGAIN AS I HAVE WRITTEN IN THE PAST, I love Thanksgiving! It has always been one of my favorite holidays! And, as a sinner paying no attention to God back in the day, it still was! Thank You, Jesus, I am no longer a hypocrite! Anyway, when God is your first love you can and should always be thankful to Him, the God who never lies! Selah. Many relationships are broken. None of them should be… Luke…..
AND: thanks to the only true and living God?! I LOVE TO TELL FOLKS: “I loved Thanksgiving Day even when I was a dirty sinner!” I was! Not now! JOIN ME IF YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH GOD, THE GREAT I AM, AND DON’T HAVE AN EMPTY THANKSGIVING ANYMORE! SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS TO THIS “JOY STORY”! Galatians 2:20-21 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The…..