ONE PARTICULAR DAY in the Bible study at the prison I was in, I wasn’t leading: another woman was and was asked the question: “Does God listen to sinners?” She paused, and said: “I think so.” I said nothing because at that time I didn’t know. Now I do as I should have back then years ago. And so she should have … Selah. She was wrong. I was wrong. She was wrong because she gave an opinion. This…..
There will be no peace on Earth until the Prince of Peace is worshipped and loved by all in His sight: and those who reject Him are cast out of His presence!
You do have a choice…
As I sat there, I listened to every word the preacher was saying. How could I not understand my own native language; not the words (individually I understood them.) It was the meaning. I simply just could not comprehend the meaning of them all. Selah. How possibly?! It is always a valuable study to think of the power of light and darkness. But God created all things, calling them all good. Some entities chose on their own not…..
I hear the LORD a ‘coming, He’s coming round the bend… And I ain’t seen the devil, since I don’t know when! Since I slung the blood of Jesus, that bozo had to flee! And when the blood keeps on slinging, he’s in agony! When I was just a sinner, the Father told me, “Son, bend your knee to Jesus Christ and you’ll become undone!” Jesus, You are with me! You’ll never let me go! To Hell with you…..
There will be no peace on Earth until the Prince of Peace is worshipped and loved by all in his sight, and those who reject Him are cast out of His presence. Matthew 25:31-46 The Sheep and the Goats “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he…..
“You weren’t ready…” Are you kidding me!? Sometimes Christians get things wrong. (And: I take a great pleasure by saying: “Duh!”) I’ll say it again: “Duh!” Even pastors can be wrong! Why? Who is the only One who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient? Right! God, the One who created all! Selah. With that in mind, I want you to grow and think like the Berean Jews in Acts: Acts 17:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character…..
ON THIS SACRED AMERICAN HOLIDAY, THANKSGIVING, I bring joy unspeakable to those who will receive the truth of God! This article is written to victims; specifically victims who have had a family member brutally and heinously murdered. Selah. A WORD OF COMFORT TO YOU! Once again I listened to a man whose daughter had been brutally murdered. I won’t go into details at all. It upset me greatly that this man touted that his faith requires him to…..
THIS THANKSGIVING DAY IN AMERICA I will show you how you are able to have peace, joy, and fun if you are a child of God this special day and every precious day! If not… watch out! (For those of you who hate God, ignore Him, or worship some stupid, sad, and evil false religion: peruse this website of mine and learn how to become safe in the protective arms of our true God Almighty, the God of the Bible!)…..
I LOVE TO TELL FOLKS: “I loved Thanksgiving Day even when I was a dirty sinner!” I was! Not now! JOIN ME IF YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH GOD, THE GREAT I AM, AND DON’T HAVE AN EMPTY THANKSGIVING ANYMORE! SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS TO THIS “JOY STORY”! Galatians 2:20-21 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith…..