MINNESOTANS… you might know right away where I’m going with this. I’m thinking back at snowstorms when our son and daughters were children… We had fun! Back in that time they would cheer when there was no school because of the snow levels! I would too! Often on these days we’d make chocolate chip cookies! By 10:00 AM we’d start having two each while watching ‘The Price is Right’! We’d play games. They’d play with each other and their…..
I am speaking about the kingdom of God, of course. That word ’intolerant’ is big in this day and time, the year of 2023; and in quite a few years before this. But is it always wrong to be so? No: depending on the subject. For example: I take deep thankfulness from God that I know the truth about abortion… Abortion: a word made to play nice. Isn’t it nice that women have a choice? Yes, but yet…..
BEFORE FELLOWSHIP! FELLOWSHIP is a word not often heard. This term is used well in the Church… It reflects the meaning of closeness, true love, intimacy. Children of God (both spiritual Israel and those belonging to the Church) enjoy the closeness, the fellowship, they have with God and each other… Fellowship truly is a very spiritual word: and those who fellowship in Christ worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Be warned: even in the church building…..
YOU DO NOT MISS GETTING TOGETHER WITH? Do you actually prefer not to see them at all? Do you pray for them to become a loving, nice person, a child of God?! Do you deeply desire a lasting and/or restored godly relationship with them? Is it obvious to you that by their words and/or actions they pay no reverence to God, no awe; dislike (or even hate) you? Would you make yourself a liar and produce crocodile tears if…..
WITH A GRATEFUL HEART! Amen and let it be! I am now giving you twelve words which can change your life…. That is, if you accept (or already have accepted) and put into practice the lifestyle it takes to have not only a beautiful New Year of 2023; but also a beautiful year after year after year! Selah. And amen! Before I go any further, I will expose the truth that, yes, you will still have challenges, trials, and…..
MEN: Start carrying a handkerchief and expect to cry from a touch of God! John 11:35 Jesus wept.
TODAY IS DECEMBER 22, 2022 and my bathtub can’t be used yet. It is now three days until Christmas and no days without a bath. Thank God! I am also reflecting on the fact of growing up with six in the family and one bathroom, one tub, and no shower… How did we ever do it?! Amazingly we did it and I don’t remember any tragedies of my parents, my three brothers, and me sharing this one bathtub. Selah……
Guess what I did this morning?! A habit… I’ve gotten into the habit of taking the trash out early in the morning before Duane gets up… Now I know it’s trash day today and as I walked outside I specifically noted how Duane had put the trash barrel and recycling barrel at the end of our driveway… I marveled at the glorious snow, the trees laden with it, the sounds of the crunch, crunch, crunch under my feet! I love…..
Now I lay me down to sleep. The blood of Jesus gives me peace! In the morning when I wake, the devil, he will squirm and quake! As I speak the good report the enemy cannot retort! He is filed with wrath and shame! He is a fool and is insane! Revleation 20:10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They…..
To the child of God honesty always feels good. NOTE: our faith is not a feeling – it is a decision. Yesterday I made a phone call requesting information. I did this in a clear and succinct manner. Long ago I was a secretary. I was well adept at listening thoroughly the first time and recording the necessary data for clients, patients, and other people… In this way I saved time for the paying customers/clients and the company which…..