THIS ARTICLE IS SPEAKING TO SPIRITUAL ISRAEL AND THE CHURCH ONLY. All the rest of you: I pray for those of you who still have the priceless opportunity to become a saint in the true Kingdom of God, do! SOME THINGS BUG me… and should you too. One of them is when people pray, asking God to come to them! Selah. This was also on my husband’s mind; and to his credit goes this writing. Years ago…..
Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. I ONCE HEARD A SERMON BY JESSE DUPLANTIS entitled: “What in Hell do you want?!” I knew right away where Jesse was going. This is one of the most memorable sermons I have ever heard! Very pointed! Very challenging! And like Jesse, I too love to mock Satan and make a determined, uncompromising stance to warn all the people I am able…..
ONE OF SATAN’S (the devil, who is very real) commitments to his most evil agenda is to divide and conquer… Even though he does truly know his time is short he wants to stick it to God as much as he can! He’s constantly battling truth. Selah. Yes, the evil one, the enemy of all human souls, wants you isolated, not trusting anyone, and certainly, not reaching out in love to your fellow man. Don’t ever listen to him! Do…..
TODAY I AM ONCE AGAIN CELEBRATING! “And just what are you celebrating today?” you might ask… A NEW WINDOW! CHOOSE JOY! Like me! You see when our new windows were put in, after a time (I don’t remember how long) I spotted a very truly infinitesimal crack on the main window: the largest window of all. It is a really grand window! It had to be replaced because, of course, the crack would spread… My first thought was I didn’t…..
I would forsake my wickedness before Christ comes to judge you! I wish someone would have told me that… John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them. These days I constantly hear: “Don’t judge me!” Why, I even heard a woman say that to a TV judge – and guess what? Everyone laughed at her! Sure, if you don’t want to be…..
JOSEPH, SON OF JACOB… I was thinking a lot about forgiveness again. Sometimes it sounds like God’s people are to forgive everyone of anything… But what was on my mind was forgiving an evil person who is headed for Hell. Selah. Does the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob want us to forgive a wicked man who cares nothing for God? A man who doesn’t love us and repent? A man who, indeed, would rather see us dead? No! Joseph…..
THISIS A FUN AND BEAUTIFUL ANALOGY! It pertains to comparing sanctification with lipstick! What a unique thought! Must be a Holy Spirit led comparison… It is! Selah. You know, (actually, may not) I used to have crooked from teeth… The two main front top ones were the guilty ones. Growing up as I did, having a tumultuous childhood, my mother never got me braces (my dad was an invalid, mentally and physically.) We had a lot of welfare money…..
As I’m working on my book right now, I made a change… I am thankful that in all of my books (two published so far) that I claim truth: and one of the truths is that only the Bible, the Word of God, is inerrant, infallible, God-breathed! 2 Peter 1:20-21 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human…..
“You weren’t ready…” Are you kidding me!? Sometimes Christians get things wrong. (And: I take a great pleasure by saying: “Duh!”) I’ll say it again: “Duh!” Even pastors can be wrong! Why? Who is the only One who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient? Right! God, the One who created all! Selah. With that in mind, I want you to grow and think like the Berean Jews in Acts: Acts 17:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character…..
Don’t believe me? Study and learn. And then, hopefully, you too will have the joy of the LORD as I always do! Whether you believe God or not: He is. And He tells us repeatedly about His kingdom. And because the God of the Bible is holy, loving and perfect, He knows He must warn all of the perils of the pits of Hell. Selah. We are in a war: each and every one of us. We choose…..