Confused? Why?! After all, she does have two parents! IN STORIES I’VE LISTENED TO regarding the murder of the unborn (also satanically ‘disguised’ as abortion) I finally heard one about the child’s father crying out in agony… Let the healing begin! Selah. And it can, provided truth and accountability are accepted. This man was not married to the pregnant woman who had been carrying his daughter. The mother murdered their daughter when the girl was…..
BUT DON’T YOU BE DOING IT ALL THE TIME! WHY? I will get to it… Within the page of this article is a unique challenge; a challenge which is (as all my writings are geared for) to point you in the direction of the command: Be holy as I am holy: 1 Peter 1:13-25 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is…..
ARE YOU? DOES THIS SOUND STRANGE TO YOU? Perhaps you need to take a moment to think about sorrow… God does grieve. Did you know that? It’s good to know that first of all. Next, always remember that God, Himself gave us our emotions in order to fight the good fight… Selah. We children of God (Christians and Torah Jewish people only) are to fight the good fight. This would never include claiming hopelessness curses of sickness and…..
ARE YOU? DOES THIS SOUND STRANGE TO YOU? Perhaps you need to take a moment to think about sorrow… God, beloved and crabbies, does grieve. Did you know that? It’s good to know that first of all. Next, always remember that God, Himself gave us our emotions in order to fight the good fight… Selah. We children of God (Christians and Torah Jewish people only) are to fight the good fight. This would never include claiming…..