ONCE UPON A TIME and long ago I deeply loathed the month of March… Good to know I was a sinner at the time. I love, absolutely love, when I admit I was stupid, stupid or wrong! (A very good character trait!) Selah. Why did I loathe the month of March? Glad you asked! The weather. Minnesota Marches are for the most part dreary looking. Yes, here in Minnesota, March gives much of our trees, plants, and ground…..
AND TO EVERYONE ELSE: while fully embracing the biblical truth that all people (of all time) come from two people, Adam and Eve, this Joy Story is set to honor and bless the Hispanic community world-wide. Selah. When I was just a little girl, and I’m certain I was three, not even four, I remember to this day standing outside in front of the neighbor’s house on the sidewalk across the street from mine and meeting a new…..
One of my favorite sights… And it’s here now:! My couch and end tables from Schneiderman’s Furniture in Rosevill are now arriving into my home! Everything is perfect! Thank you Kiki!
TINA is my beautiful Terrier mix. Today she’s in a whining mood. Yesterday this little dear wanted to keep going to the side of the garage. I knew she wanted to get it. Selah. The it are them… Upon coming home with her, Duane saw them: two baby bunnies! They could not have been more than four inches long! I was so thankful he told me: I rushed out to see them! I only saw one; she was running to the other side of the…..