ON HELL! WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU warned anyone of Hell? God has impressed upon me to think about the fact that most people don’t want to… Selah. Why? My first thought and full belief is that they don’t care! Selah. I hope I am wrong, wrong, wrong! But: Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is…..
TERROR is a topic a lot of us don’t like to think about… And why is that? Stupid question, right? But here’s the thing: we need to think about the terrors in this world: better yet, the terrors of the next place where many, many men and women will be abiding in forever and ever. And, we need to think about the truth that God and His children don’t want them to reside in that fiery lake…..