After our Easter celebration at home the next day Duane came to me and said: “Ann, honey, just so you know, this doesn’t go in the dishwasher.” What was the this? It is a beautiful soup bowl. Now normally, Duane doesn’t leave them on the counter to be washed. But there were tons of dishes (not literally – I do not lie) and some had to wait until morning. They really don’t make dishwashers that big… I told him…..
Here are some of my very favorite words to my hubby: “What do you mean… maybe!” This is what I exclaimed to Duane when I asked him a specificity. It happened just minutes ago; but right now I can’t even remember what I asked. And that is just because I had such a great time laughing! Please keep in mind: I asked this with great jocularity! Seriously! I am a child of God and I just love getting my way!…..
Bed making is my department; and a bore it is! Still, being that I would have done very well in the Navy and regret not going in, to me a beautifully made bed makes the entire bedroom more beautiful, more peaceful! Selah. Our little girl (Tina, the Terrier rescue) woke up her Puppy Daddy just a tad early this morning (February 24th.) After the cheerful chuckles of her Papa (my hubby, Duane) he needed to take her out; after all,…..