SEVERAL NIGHTS AGO as I was sitting on my couch, suddenly I felt something BIG on me! Immediately I looked down, screamed (of course) and flung a very not so itsy-bitsy spider off of my left hand!!! HE WAS SO BIG! And: he was grey with black lines. Mainly he was grey and BIG, with a lot of legs!! I think he liked me! After I far flung him, it seemed he truly wanted to come back and say, “Hi!”…..
TODAY I’M GOING TO THE LAUNDROMAT (I even had to check the spelling! I was going to write laundry mat! Ha!) I’ve got twelve loads! Makes me think of the apostles! I’ll be busy today.. KEEP IT CLEAN! Acts 11:9 “The voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.