When I send Duane an email I only do it when I need him to buy something… I’m one woman who wants physical and audio interaction. (My grandchildren will never get me to text!) Like today, I need him to order a certain and special type of crochet hook at Michael’s Arts and Crafts. We are very occupied people: and one of our main goals is blessing others in serving them in…..
YESTERDAY I WROTE about our 45th wedding anniversary. All glory to God! We give Him all the praise and thanks for this blessing, fully realizing so many people today don’t make it. (Please remember: a divorce is not a sin.) BUT TODAY, as I went to wake Duane up I didn’t do my greeting first. I simply turned on the light and said hello. I truly believe I have never done that in my life before. Duane was…..
A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOU TODAY: an extra Advice For the Wife this month! LADIES; don’t get frustrated with your husbands! Find a solution… Going to Target every two weeks with Duane is something I really enjoy… I do have a lot of fun in the small things! Selah. I have a very organized list that we add to ahead of time; all printed out, orderly, and complete. Selah again. The pattern often has been that when I’m…..
Some things I will not tolerate… Some things I will not compromise… The Bible is the only Book that is infallible, inerrant, God-breathed. This is the first issue I will never, ever, back down on… Later down the road, much later, is laundry. Selah and joy! Recently Duane gave me his dirty scrubs (Remember? He is an emergency room nurse.) For the first time, after many years, he shoved the pants into the top! Ewe! And he expected me to…..
Here are some of my very favorite words to my hubby: “What do you mean… maybe!” This is what I exclaimed to Duane when I asked him a specificity. It happened just minutes ago; but right now I can’t even remember what I asked. And that is just because I had such a great time laughing! Please keep in mind: I asked this with great jocularity! Seriously! I am a child of God and I just love getting my way!…..
A REFRESHING (FOR THE MEN) CONVERSATION between a husband and wife… “Can I talk? Or, do you want me to shut up?” This was a fun (and true) question I had for Duane; and it is one of his favorite things for me to ask! Why? Because I want his full attention when I’m speaking. Don’t want him to read when I’m talking… because don’t you know everything I say is important?! I need to be…..