AND I’M GLAD! ONE OF THE VERY FALSE TEACHINGS regarding Christianity is: “If they see the love of God, they will come to Him and become His child” Amen! and selah! I want you to think immediately of Judas Iscariot. Enough said. This brings me to my point I am making today. A young woman I used to admire and was willing to take counsel from is off my respect list – at least for now. I’m…..
THE OTHER NIGHT I WAS WATCHING an old crime show, black and white. Selah. This year of 2024 is over fifty years later of the showing of that program… However, Satan’s reign since The Fall of Man brings nothing new under the sun in regard to present day evil: Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there…..
and I’m glad! ONE OF THE VERY FALSE TEACHINGS regarding Christianity is: if they see the love of God, they will come to Him and become His child… Not always. Selah! I want you to think immediately of Judas Iscariot. Enough said. This brings me to my point I am making today. A young woman I used to admire and was willing to take counsel from is off my respect list – at…..
I WON’T BE THERE. A WHILE AGO I wrote another article regarding rude, uncaring, and sometimes purposefully mean neighbors. I am tagging it onto this one. It’s great! It gives the godly prospective on the truth of hateful (without cause) neighbors and how to deal with these kind of people in order to please the Lord on high by not seeking revenge. Selah. With this new writing about neighbors, I now refer to my next-door neighbors; a couple who…..
“THANK YOU!” This story has an excellent point! (All of mine do!) You see, I love to crochet. (This is not the point.) I started crocheting in my twenties and now I am sixty-seven… Basically I learned from crochet books because back in the day (I love that expression!) I didn’t own a computer; I couldn’t google YouTube and watch and listen as to learning an unknown stitch. And, I didn’t have any family members…..
EVER SINCE THE covid lockdown of 2020 I’ve heard companies have shortages of employees… I am compelled to relate to you today the recent experiences I have had at two different restaurants: two different work ethics, two different outcomes. We know of employee shortages; we know of slower service at different establishments. And, we know if we are willing to wait or leave. A while ago I went to Perkins with my husband after church in the evening. A…..
PEOPLE, never underestimate the effect, the wonderful effect, you may have on children, very little children. Anyone’s child… Selah. Here, my friends, is an excellent example. When I myself was a young girl, my dad and mom had friends, a couple named Kenneth and Kathleen. This was years and years ago. They had a daughter, and maybe a son and maybe later on, another daughter. I remember their oldest daughter because she was near my age. I was under my…..
THIS WRITING APPLIES TO ALL PEOPLE: those who adhere to the Word of God and love Him – and those who don’t. Herewith is a great and beneficial insight on how to deal with unwanted, unsolicited calls — including those unwanted people who have the guile to be more than just a little rude! You are going to love this! Selah. NOTE: For those of you who are the problem, we’re on to you! And: I am spreading the…..