BECAUSE OF DUANE’S HOURS many times we celebrate holidays and special occasions at a later date. Thankfully, I’ve never had a problem with that. I am forever grateful to my God and choose His joy! Amen and amen and Selah! I am the Christian woman-type who knows the preciousness of God, His people, and life, God-kind of life. Ergo, when our celebration date does not align with the one on the calendar it is well with my soul!…..
THIS IS FEBRUARY 14TH… Valentine’s Day! Lover’s Day! Sweets for the Sweet! Candy and Roses! Kisses and Hugs! And… Even “I love you(s)!” PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! FOREVER! PRAISE GOD! I remember many beautiful celebrations with my husband and second best friend; Jesus being the first, of course… And this is Who I am uplifting on this day which is a traditional celebration of love. Beloved: no man, no woman could ever be blessed with real…..