Some people should just stay home… until they have repented! As my husband and I sat down in the sanctuary of our church we heard immediately the woman directly behind my husband hatefully complain how her view was now blocked – that it had been perfect. This thoughtless person had no concern for the people coming in – no rejoicing that more than she, herself, and her family would celebrate our Risen Lord, His victories, our salvation (ours – the entire family of God – NOT just hers and her family’s!) AND: the defeat of our greatest foe!
She suggested to her family maybe she should sit on her coat – maybe she should get a booster chair. What a snide comment. As I listened to her ungodly attitude I heard other complaints regarding something about the upcoming service that might be against her religion. She also said something to the effect that I knew she wasn’t convinced she should partake in the Lord’s Supper with us. At one point her adult daughter specifically told her: “Mom, they preach the Word here!”
Obviously this woman did not want to be here. The service had not yet begun and it was without any effort that I heard some of these unholy, unpleasant words from this unloving soul. I was rightly angered by her lack of love for my husband. Later on, after the service my husband informed me he also had heard her being disrespectful during the praise and worship singing.
As a true child of God- it would not have mattered to me who she did not want sitting in front of her. Her attitude was wrong, selfish, immature at best; satanic at worst. On the mature side, I am so blessed when I see a any human soul come to my church and either worship or learn how to worship the True and Living God! Do you understand that not all who attend church services, in a real church are Christians, nor want to be? Some come believing their attendance will make them right with God. Some come for business associations. And some come for social gathering – excluding God entirely! Do you know and understand that some come purposefully to destroy fellowship? Do you also know witches are real?!
NOTE: I highly recommend reading Out of the Devil’s Cauldron by John Ramirez, a former Satanist, now a strong solder for Christ!
At my church it was the Easter 2013 service. I am always prepared in my soul and spirit that a lot of hypocrites come to church on the main Christian celebrations – to apply some oil of “holy works” to their consciences not cleansed in the Blood. Do you believe for an instant God is pleased with false worship? I am no cotton-candy preacher – I preach the Word of God without apology and without shame!! And – without apology and without shame I rebuked this woman when God prompted me, just at the right time, naturally!
During the course of one the greatest celebrations I could attend, I made a quality decision immediately as we first sat down, for remember, that is when it she began her hateful tirade. I decided without hesitation to focus first on the sermon and the act of worshipping my Lord; and celebrating His resurrection! I also made the secondary decision to ask the Lord if I were to rebuke her. I prayed to the Lord at the appropriate times of the service (the announcements and such) in order for my first priority to glorify God and thank Him for His resurrection power to be fulfilled.
My Lord and Savior always answers me – for He loves me. Why would He not talk to me? And when He says: “No.” He’s right. When He says: “Wait.” He’s right. And when He says: “Yes.” He’s right. Confirmation from Him means my actions are without sin….
I did not take the opportunity when we did the – “Greet the people around you and shake their hands.” deal. She told us with (I believe) a very fake smile: “I can’t shake your hands, I have a cold.” (Never once did I hear her sneeze, blow her nose, or cough.) God had not prompted me to speak to her — yet. But He did at the very end of the service. Perhaps God wanted her to feel comfortable and get something out of the anointed words of my pastor. Speak I did, as the Lord directed me and when He directed me, because correction is applicable! I spoke words of love to this woman. Yes! Words of love. Words of rebuke. God spoke – I obeyed. But the enemy of my soul and yours, Satan, was telling me: “She’s going to cause a scene! She’s going to make you look like the attacker!” Too late. God told me: “Rebuke her.” I did! I was willing to obey God and tell this woman one of the things she needed to hear. I turned around after praying: “If she is still there when we’re dismissed I will challenge her and I know God, You will give me the right words…”
It is so good to be fearless and faithful. This woman needed to be humbled without a doubt and these were my exact words to rebuke her: “Ma’am, if you want to sit with no one in front of you, there’s a front row up there (I pointed to the very first row in the sanctuary of the main floor we were on.) Going further, I pointed up to the balcony, panning across the many front rows: “There are front rows up there!” She stood still, trying to look sweet with a very fake smile (I believe without a doubt), her lips pursed tightly together. No response – no apologies – no shame. But don’t be sad, I have prayed for her repentance, also for her to be a genuine child of God if she is not – for I don’t know. I didn’t need to do more: the point was made – she was unloving, unkind and it was heard and pointed out. I didn’t go into all the details; she obviously did not really want to be there or participate in this most blessed service. Rather, she chose to participate in spreading dissension and wagging her tongue….
Her daughter, also, was a great blessing to her mother. She challenged her! Remember she had said to her: “Mom, they preach the Word here!”
Did I do the right thing? Without a doubt. Remember, I prayed and waited on His response. The Lord ordains my footsteps. My footsteps turned around to deliberately lead her to see her hatefulness. Yes. It was hatefulness. This is not a small issue. When we see empty seats in the church should we not think of the broad and narrow roads? For many people are headed for Hell and will arrive there in their full-blown wickedness. Think of empty seats as empty souls. Any seat that is not filled can represent to you – as it does to me – someone who has chosen not to come to worship; someone who has chosen to ignore the promptings of God’s love call…
On the other hand, every occupied seat could represent a true child of God or a person seeking God or a person who came grudgingly by another who knows the destitution of their heart…. God is able.
The Great Commission is to preach the Gospel to the fallen world. Every single day people die somewhere. Many and most die in their sins. People who love the Lord and love their brethren and love their enemies do not tolerate the father of lies and strike him boldly with the shield of faith.
“Ma’am – if you happen to read this “Joy Story,” I have done my part to help you be the witness that God is love and you are to love the brethren!” Amen.
1 Timothy 4:1-2
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.
Acts 4:23
On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.
John 19:30
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Growing up in a home without the love for God, an invalid father, heavy financial hardships, and tremendous (sometimes dangerous) discord is always difficult. Add on to that extreme shyness, a feeling of inferiority, and some may think this girl was rejected. But God’s hand was on her and His heart was for her. Today, Ann Marie Turner has performed many great services in Jesus’ name for the love of God and man; and for herself! She has ministered in the male correctional for over ten years. Along with this website, Ann is the author of Joy Stories, Volume One and The Free Incarcerated Man. Writing about the joy of the Lord and the victory that is available for a willing soul is one of Ann’s now greatest joys! Ann’s prayer for you is to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. Celebrate the God of the Bible and your personal victories in Christ unceasingly! Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.