Show respect for the people who are willing to die for you! Show great respect and love for them who care about people they’ve never met, whom they may never see again; perhaps leaving their own young children without a father or mother because they are willing to die in order to save you or anyone!
Show some respect! Show great respect for those who risk their lives by being targeted in simply putting on their police uniforms!
Esteem them!
“Looks like they got us Duano.”
Don’t ever say anything like this in the presence of any police officer! And I will tell you why! This is exactly what my husband’s friend Steve said as we had entered a restaurant for relaxation, food, and conversation.
This is a true story.
We were just about to speak to the hostess when a police officer came in. I love the police! I always have. They are the good guys!
If an officer murders (not kills: there is a difference), steals, deals drugs; I tell you truly he is not a police officer / a peace officer. He is indeed a false officer, an interloper!
Please see my daily-posted article, ‘SOB!’ This will help you understand.
As we were just about to speak to the lovely hostess, the police officer approached the counter. Duane’s friend turned to him and said some of the stupidest words a man can say: “Looks like they got us Duano.” We all laughed slightly and turned to look at the officer, He smiled. Don’t you just know that sometimes smiles are ingenuine? I found, his was. And my heart went out to him! I do love the police! Always have!
The hostess appropriately gave respect and offered to listen to him before dealing with us. As she paused for a response from him, he declined, telling her to “Help these people first.” Willingly she now turned her attention to us. She led Duane, Steve, and me to a large, circular, and very comfortable booth.
make a seemingly ‘fun’, yet baneful remark (be it, a joke) like that to someone who is consistently on the defensive! Gee, why do you think our police officers have to be?!
The pain this wonderful man went through, I could only imagine…
In 1980 Duane and I had signed a contract to have a home built for us: a one-story home with two bedrooms, one bathroom, connecting kitchen, and living room, basement on a nearly one-acre lot.
We were newlyweds, married in September of 1979.
This endeavor was one of the most exciting visions I have ever had. We contracted a lot of the building out; yet between Duane and me (mainly Duane) and friends we roofed the house, put up the siding, plumbed it, painted it. His friend Steve did our electrical. In the end, we were very pleased and have many stories about the events connected with our newly built home!
On one of those building days, Duane was in contact with Steve. Steve not only helped us dearly, but he also let us use his shower at his apartment; for there was a time when we lived in a bus with our two kitties (Misty and Max) and went to the trees or the gas station…
On the spur of the moment when day work was done (you can only do so much) Duane and Steve decided we three would all go out to eat. Great! Food, Pepsi, stretching out, and visiting!
It turned out we stayed much longer than usual talking, eating, relaxing… And the restaurant people didn’t have a problem with us staying so long…
or so it seemed.
We had chatted, eaten, relaxed; and as we were leaving we realized we had been in the restaurant for an hour and a half! Very unusual…
As we paid the bill and left, as soon as we stepped outside a police car was arriving… Thinking nothing of it (not thinking about the officer inside much earlier) we continued walking to Steve’s car. But all of a sudden there appeared another car… and another. The officer who had been inside wanted to talk to us. Still not being deeply concerned we assented to listen.
As this precious hero began speaking, I slowly realized it was we who were under suspicion! Afterwards, as I reflected back on this memorable episode, I now looked upon the police cars somewhat akin to a SWAT team!
Thankfully, guns were not pulled.
They searched Steve’s car…
This wonderful officer patiently explained to the three of us that there had been a robbery at a very nearby gas station. And, my husband fit the description at least somewhat! He went on to explain that a lot of times criminals will duck into restaurants, make themselves ‘comfortable’, sit it out, and hope for the best (at least in their criminal minds). The entire time this brave man remained very respectful and calm under the pressure he was experiencing..
They search Steve’s car…
I can’t tell you how much I love this man! And: all the other officers involved! And the hostess, waitress, and other employees to whom the officer had spoken. They were told we were suspected and what to do. In fact, we didn’t think it at all strange when the waitress totally disappeared and the hostess was the lady who served us. We didn’t even notice or realize she was scared when she mixed up our drink orders and we corrected her…
She also was quite a heroine in helping by remaining calm; as calm as she could, that is!
This particular officer who came into the restaurant, spoke to us over an hour later outside, is forever on my memory. He was may have been forty or even fifty, fair-haired, with a very noticeable handle bar mustache. He was kind;
he told us he thought we were going to pull a gun on him! No wonder my heart goes out to him!
And not just for him who earnestly thought his life might end in a restaurant that night, but all of the men and women who love people so much that they are willing to lay their lives on the line each and every day. For your information, a good cop is never off duty! He/she is willing, able, and totally ready to fight the good fight!
I don’t like anyone who hates the police!
Romans 5:7
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Growing up in a home without the love for God, an invalid father, heavy financial hardships, and tremendous (sometimes dangerous) discord is always difficult. Add on to that extreme shyness, a feeling of inferiority, and some may think this girl was rejected. But God’s hand was on her and His heart was for her. Today, Ann Marie Turner has performed many great services in Jesus’ name for the love of God and man; and for herself! She has ministered in the male correctional for over ten years. Along with this website, Ann is the author of Joy Stories, Volume One and The Free Incarcerated Man. Writing about the joy of the Lord and the victory that is available for a willing soul is one of Ann’s now greatest joys! Ann’s prayer for you is to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. Celebrate the God of the Bible and your personal victories in Christ unceasingly! Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.