That is, of course, unless you are one. In this case, I am thrilled you are reading a joy story about the joy of loving God, loving yourself, and loving others.
I never was a bully, never wanted to be.
But back in the day (my school years span from 1962 until 1974) as I grew older, out of kindergarten, I began to learn of them.
No, come to think of it, my kindergarten teacher was one! She was mean! I was scared of her! Imagine a little girl, shy and sweet, truly frightened by her very first teacher who should so have been a mother image to her! I began to think about this in years later. I came to the conclusion that she didn’t like me because of the behavior of my brother. (At least one of them; I have three.) I was a good girl, I behaved and I was very, very quiet. And yet this woman I saw as cruel. I’ve seen she was a bully. No teacher, no adult, should ever make a child fear them when the child is respectful. And that fear should always and only be fear of correct discipline when needed, not abuse. She did abuse me.
I was going to speak first of peers who bullied and then get into other types; but I realize my first memorable bully was my kindergarten teacher! So sad! She’s long gone by now and as always, I hope (not pray; because she’s already passed) she’s with the Lord.
NOTE: I cannot pray for the reprobates, the apostates, the antichrists, the Antichrist. Certainly I do not know who they are; but in my prayers, God excludes them for He does know.
between myself and my peers was with a bully was when I was in the eighth grade. Her name was Toni. I considered her, and still do, the meanest girl in the eighth grade, maybe in the entire school. On a particular day we had been in music class. It was a big room. I can’t remember why, but our teacher had some of the teenagers move forward. I was good where I was. However a group of about four girls were not and they all wanted to stay sitting together.
This is one of the things I’ve always liked about myself, admired about me: I was shy, felt inferior, but I also took my stand on my rights. These girls were jerks. (Do you know some? No-brainer there!) If I had not been afraid to reach out and make friends, these were the types I still never would have chosen. They were mean, they were snotty, they were obnoxious – and they were bullies.
But they couldn’t bully me.
As the teacher had them and others move forward, they came to my row. These girls demanded to me: “Move over!” Now yes, I could have done just that. They wanted to sit together. But I was immediately irritated that they told me, commanded me. Like Rosa Parks, I am nobody’s doormat. I was comfortable and I didn’t want to change that: and I especially resented their attitude, as if I had to do what they said… Maybe, if they had respectfully asked me, I might have moved, maybe…
But I didn’t have to and I didn’t want to. I think they were quite surprised! After all, weren’t they the ‘in’ crowd? No. I remember one of the girls told another to ‘bug her to death.’ She did not. However, after class I found myself walking up the stairs in an empty – almost empty– stairwell. As I started out, I felt a someone right behind me, I mean, right behind me. Guess who it was? Right! Toni! Toni couldn’t have been closer to my back then she was without touching me. So what did I do? I thought, I planned.
Beloved, planning, taking time to access a situation, is the first thing you need to do.
You know, it’s interesting that even those many years ago, God had my back. I didn’t do anything wrong and yet these bullies were after me! That’s what a bully is, right? They pick out who they think is a weaker target and attack for absolutely no reason: no reason the receiver deserves, that it. Beloved and crabbies: bullies are cowards. They hurt, they’re scared, they won’t admit it, and they want to strike first. Stupid!
To this day I am still amazed at my stamina. Without a doubt, without a lie, God was loving me even back then, a teenage sinner; also like Toni. As I climbed those stairs I thought what I would do if she hit me. Let me rephrase that, when she hit me… I fully expected she would, she was that mean! I made the right decision. I made a wise decision. I was afraid of pain: and stairs are dangerous! Toni could have really hurt me! And if she did, I was going to make sure she paid for it…
What did I do? I made the decision not to hit back! No, no. I was going to duck down into my lowest position, guard my face, make certain she hurt me the least possible… and then I was going to go straight to the principal’s office! I was going to report her. With her school record (which I’ve always believed was very poor) I had no doubt at all that she would be found to be guilty. I, myself, had never once gotten in trouble at school. Quiet, yes; but also a role model student. My grades were always passing, I was on time, and I was respectful. And: I demanded the same thing from others.
It was an interesting experience that I have never forgotten. Why? Suddenly Toni was gone! And I was shocked! She hadn’t laid a hand on me! I had just kept walking and I didn’t turn around. I saw this bully through the corner of my eye. I knew she was there. I knew she was hateful. I knew she enjoyed being a bully! But: I won! And if she had hurt me I still would have won!
Why? Because bullies are wrong. They are stupid and they are powerless. Certainly people can hurt those who don’t take their protective plan from God. However, even if a child of God is hurt, beaten, murdered, God is with her and He will never let her be put to shame!
These girls never bothered me again.
We never liked each other. And they left me alone! Maybe Toni sensed I would stand up and fight the good fight. I knew she couldn’t hurt me so bad as to put me in the hospital. That, I would never have allowed. But maybe she sensed by fighting the good fight I would win and she would lose. Please remember I was not paying any attention to the Lord God Almighty back then. I was fourteen, raised in an ungodly home and my salvation by this time was my responsibility… I thank God for the lesson I learned about bullies way back in my earliest school years even before this incident.
In this year of 2021, being sixty-five now, I’ve learned long ago after high school that bullies can be teachers, bosses, co-workers, neighbors. Bullies, my friends, can be anyone – including your own parents, your siblings, your children.
Precious children of God,
there are only two camps: God’s and Satan’s. You are either for Him or against Him. No matter who attacks you for any reason God is with you, not against you. Whether you live or die you are the victor!
I pray you take comfort in shunning evil more than being hurt!
When it comes to bullies you need to have a plan. If you can’t escape – and I could not – you need to decide what kind of stance you will take. I made the best decision that day! Going to the principal’s office would have been a bold move; she could have tried to hurt me again (if she had that day) And I wouldn’t stand for her not to be held accountable. I didn’t deserve to be beat. I didn’t deserve to be bullied! I wouldn’t tolerate abuse. Don’t you either!
There will be no peace on Earth until the Prince of peace is worshipped and loved by all in His sight and those who reject Him are cast into the lake of fire!
NOTE: Toni if you happen to be reading this and know who I am, if you remember this day, I hope you now are my sister in Christ. If not, you are still a fool.
Isaiah 29:19-20
Once more the humble will rejoice in the Lord; the needy will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. The ruthless will vanish, the mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down—
Romans 19:18-19
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17
no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.
Growing up in a home without the love for God, an invalid father, heavy financial hardships, and tremendous (sometimes dangerous) discord is always difficult. Add on to that extreme shyness, a feeling of inferiority, and some may think this girl was rejected. But God’s hand was on her and His heart was for her. Today, Ann Marie Turner has performed many great services in Jesus’ name for the love of God and man; and for herself! She has ministered in the male correctional for over ten years. Along with this website, Ann is the author of Joy Stories, Volume One and The Free Incarcerated Man. Writing about the joy of the Lord and the victory that is available for a willing soul is one of Ann’s now greatest joys! Ann’s prayer for you is to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. Celebrate the God of the Bible and your personal victories in Christ unceasingly! Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.