God in Heaven, TODAY AND ALWAYS I AM SO THANKFUL AND BLESSED THAT YOU LOVE ISRAEL! You are against her enemies as is The Church. We know that her sufferings are temporal and will come to a victorious end! God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, You are the same God of Israel and The Church and as a Christian I pray she stands firm in her covenant and never fears anyone but You! I pray as The Church hates evil…..
TO MY PRECIOUS ISRAEL, I PRAY FOR YOU… God in Heaven, My God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I know that You love Your chosen, Israel, the apple of Your eye. You have promised them the land. You have made Your covenant an everlasting one. I am with You and I stand for our precious Israel. Israel, the Church is with you: we are with your Messiah and love Him as well. We rebuke and deny lies about you. You…..
ISRAEL, YOU LONG FOR PEACE: peace in your synagogues, peace among your husbands and wives, peace with your children and grandchildren, peace in your schools, and even peace in your neighborhoods among all who are none-Jews! Israel, you long of peace: and you shall have it! Messiah is coming! And He loves you as does The Church (Note: The Church, the true Church, not a false church!) We know Shalom is your Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity……