RECENTLY WE BOUGHT A NEW PUPPY. I named her Tina. Tina’s a terrier mix. She’s beautiful of course! Her tail is unlike a pure terrier pup; its fur is feathery and the tail curves like one huge question mark! Interesting to note: her tail wags to the left and our fawn pug’s tail, Rocky, wags to the right. God is so creative. Creation is created by the Creator! Selah. Puppies are a whole lot of work, loving work. You do…..
I’VE GOT LOVE TO DO: YOU’VE GOT LOVE TO DO! At my last posting God impressed upon me to tell you to: STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP fearing anyone and anything that is antichrist! That posting focused on the undeniable veracity of the ever-proven, errorless promise of God: He is for us – who can be against us? The LORD God Almighty has done everything good and holy for Himself – for you, for every man……