ANOTHER CLOSE ENCOUNTER…. OF THE CRABBY KIND Crabby kind indeed! This is a story of a close encounter with a woman who loved to tell people she has cancer. And how she became very upset with me because I gave her the answer! Believe it or not… Beloved: start listening to people taking great pains (don’t forgive the pun) to detail their sickness, their meds, their struggles with such impressive medical knowledge of their personal affliction. And then: compare that…..
HAVE FAITH IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS! corona, corona, you can’t touch me! The blood of Jesus has set me free! SCRIPTURAL TRUTH! 1 Peter 2:24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
Crabby kind indeed! This is a story of a close encounter with a woman who loved to tell people she has cancer. And how she became very upset with me because I gave her the answer! Believe it or not… Beloved: start listening to people taking great pains (don’t forgive the pun) to detail their sickness, their meds, their struggles with such impressive medical knowledge of their personal affliction. And then: compare that with their knowledge and/or willingness to…..
IF WE’RE STILL HERE… MY HUSBAND AND I ARE EAGERLY looking for the return of Christ. As we have chosen Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior we know Him as Truth – and – by Him / Truth we are set free. Amen. We are set free from every curse: curses of sin, sickness, poverty, depression and oppression, danger from human enemies, false teachers, the disparaging acts of this fallen world, unclean spirits and satan, himself! Hallelujah!…..
HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH A BLIND MAN WHEN I WAS AT THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY to minister God’s Word to my men I had an earlier and most interesting meeting… As I came out of the ladies’ room one of the other volunteers was very close in proximity to me. With the aid of yet another volunteer, this particular volunteer was being guided. He was blind. As I soon as I saw him, I realized I had to make a…..