FOR THOSE WHO SAY: “God is done with the Jews.” or “Jews are Christ-killers.” … they are wrong! And they don’t believe God’s Word! Selah! You cannot be a Christian and not love God’s sheep. And Israel is! Therefore, in the name of our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our God of The Old Testament and The New Testament, The Bible, I stand with Israel! As Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, myself and…..
ISRAEL, YOU LONG FOR PEACE: peace in your synagogues, peace among your husbands and wives, peace with your children and grandchildren, peace in your schools, and even peace in your neighborhoods among all who are none-Jews! Israel, you long of peace: and you shall have it! Messiah is coming! And He loves you as does The Church (Note: The Church, the true Church, not a false church!) We know Shalom is your Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity……