PEOPLE ARE STUPID! Insulting? Only to the foolish. BELOVED: to insult is also to challenge. Ergo: we are to rebuke and challenge people with the love and wisdom of Christ Jesus in order that they may receive the full blessings of God. Just be ready to receive correction when you need it! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work……
PAGE 2 HAS THIS HAPPENED TO YOU? HERE’S WHAT YOU DO! ONCE UPON A TIME when my son and daughters were very young and at school I received a phone call in the early afternoon. The caller sounded like an American Caucasian of about thirty years old… He literally asked me if he could speak dirty to me! God is good! God is great and greatly to be praised; so instantaneously my Father gave me the perfect answer for…..
AT LEAST YOU SHOULD BY NOW! ONE THING GOD HAS IMPRESSED ME WITH IS TO REBUKE those who tell me: “Pray about it.” Pray about it! Really?! Don’t you know me?! Apparently it’s not that you don’t know me. It is more truly that you have not listened to me… BUT THIS STORY IS FOR YOU, to help you to empower yourself with self-respect; showing you how to take a stand on your holiness and God-given authority. The…..
ON ONE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL AND FRESH SPRING MINNESOTA MORNINGS a little boy robin was blissfully hopping about as he chirped cheerfully while exploring a new road, a road not too far from his Mamma’s watchful eyes. Petey was just being Petey: young, happy, healthy and excited about everything! His Mamma never had such an energetic baby! He was a handful! And she loved him more than she could ever, ever tell him or show him! Petey had a good,…..
Wisdom rebukes stupidity! Proverbs 4:6-7 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
TIP #12 THIS IS A GOOD ONE! (LIKE ALL OF THEM!) Call your wife gorgeous! My husband does! The effect? Well, we’ve been married since 1979! To each other! Ephesians 5:25-33 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this…..
DO NOT BE DEVASTATED! CHRISTIANS CAN’T BE… SINNERS DON’T HAVE TO REMAIN SO… TO THE CHURCH: This “JOY STORY” will help remind you of the work God has done in you and the power God has given you. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. TO THOSE OUTSIDE GOD’S COVENANT: you don’t have to be devastated, depressed or defeated if you seek Him while He can be found! Isaiah…..
WHEN I WAS A SINNER, unwise, ungodly I thought this name would have pronounced job… you know, the word for an occupation. When I became a Christian Job became a man I deeply admired. I cherish the statements he makes. I admire Job because he found himself totally disgusted with himself and repented in dust and ashes! Selah. Here’s a man who deeply and lovingly feared God and shunned evil. It is stated in the Word he was upright…..
OUR AMERICAN THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY IS ONCE AGAIN PAST: HOWEVER, THANKSGIVING WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BE — PAST THAT IS… Selah. This is exactly why Adam sinned. Adam, the first created man, created pure and in the image of likeness of God, his Creator, chose thanklessness by deliberately, yes, deliberately subverting God’s command. This command was not only sacred, holy – but it was also in the very best interest of Adam, of Eve and of all their children,…..
INTERESTING TITLE, HUH? YES, it is… AND the analogy rocks! But I’ll get to that in a little while. Right now I want to point out to you that the dark and damning celebration of Halloween is once again over. Alleluia! The darkness is passing away: the Light has come! Halloween is a celebration of death easily seen as the costumes get gorier and gorier — and so very many people think: “That’s cool!” Really? Are you serious!? Children…..